View from The Lodge at Table Rock
Sorry that I have been away for so long...I mean, I have been right here, but life got in the way of my posting!
Let's see.....since we were last together.....my son came home from work on the farm---with swollen eye, after being stung by a bee under his eye.....oh did it look horrible....he had to stay home for a day, because he couldn't even see out of t!!! After loads of Benedryl and ice, he was off to work, and feeling fine!

I was bitten by a tick Sunday before last, and thought all was ok for a few days until my lymph nodes began swelling and and I didn't feel so great...so to the doc. I am on an anti-biotic...and then after a month they can do the not so accurate test to see if I have Lyme's Disease...GREAT! Anyway, feeling some better...just tired.
Why am I so tired do you say??? Well, my sweet sis came down from West Virginia and last Friday we proceeded to make Lasagna and meatballs to put in the freezer for the Rehearsal dinner....8 pans...and 180 meatballs...and more to come....it was a Friday marathon...but it was fun to have some help...and laughter! Then she helped me pull together all of the stuff we already have and then go and buy what else I needed for the dinner ..and then helped me look for a DRESS!!!!! No, I am STILL looking! I found one that will do, but is not what I really had my heart set on. So......still gonna look.

My sis Linda is also gonna be the wedding coordinator, so while she was here we went and let her meet with Mollie and discuss some things and then we went to let her look at the wedding site. Can I say...this is going to BEAUTIFUL??????

So, no yard sale fixes or making Fall things, or crafting of any sort....but SOON....and cannot wait!

You know, I think I am mentally preparing for the big day....it will be an emotional one...Seth
doesn't understand why there are tears when it is a happy time....oh yes, I am happy....happy to
see my son find his soul mate~the mother to his children~his help mate~his best friend! Happy
that we finally will have a daughter, and one day grandkids, but also reminiscent of my sweet
little boy who hung out with me doing Christmas decorating and cookie baking and making
Jesus' Birthday cakes, and the snuggly {is this a word?} little boy who loved for me to lay in his
bed while reading the same books over and over to...night after night.....and let me sing to him
my little songs that I made up for him [very silly ones I might add!}.. And of course there is my
vast knowledge of all makes and models of cars that I now have because as a boy...he knew them
like the back of his hand and taught them to me! The toddler who took walks with me while I
pulled him in his little red wagon,and dug in Legos and Lincoln Logs [Do any of you know that
sound??? So sweet, but sure was annoying at the time!] and built things all over the living room!
Then later in life the teenager who loved to hunt for free stuff with his dear mom on the curb
side pickup weeks in our little town and then eventually antiquing together.....oh shoot..I could go
on and on...and I WILL miss those things, already do...BUT...there are new things to enjoy...and
I cannot wait to see what they are! So, it is a mixed cry that I will be doing on that big WEEK!!!!! ....and it is ok....really, it is....
Have a great day...and~
Enjoy EVERY Moment!