Good Morning! I am here again, and wondering if I have anything to say to the people who choose to stop by and read what I have to say. I so enjoy reading about your lives and the twists and turns that life takes you on. Mostly simple posts about the everyday. I guess it makes you realize that we are not alone in our journeys. I like to see that you too rejoice in the mundane things!
As I have said before, I have one son, who has just graduated from college and is now preparing for the biggest time of his life....His Marriage! Life is very exciting right now, as they are getting all the little details together for the wedding, but these two have worked very hard on what comes after that....The everyday of living...the ups, downs, ......well...the Mundane days! You know, when the house just needs picked up and you work at it together.....the yard mowed, the clothes washed, you need dinner for two....and you are tired...bills need to be paid....etc,etc.....just stuff...nothin' special. The special part comes in knowing that you are with the one you love...and that is all that REALLY matters. These are the days when you can easily get frustrated and snap at each other when you don't really want to, or mean to. But if you are prepared for it, it all seems to flow and you get by them and then realize...This is what LIFE is all about! Being togehter ---for each other---through ALL of it!

Dress up date....

Mountain climbing
My husband and I were married young, and I won't say this about him, but boy was I Dumb! I new nothing of cooking and cleaning or anything domestic really! I was still a selfish girl. But he suffered through with me and now we are going on 28 years! Life is full f hard times, as well as good. There are days when we both wonder what are we doing??? But deep inside on those days we know in our hearts that we need each other. We "FIT". Part of that came from living through the Mundane and doing it with each other! Not sure if that makes sense to anyone....
But...THESE are the Precious Moments...today...everyday....look for them....at the end of each day....and CHERISH them! Know that each of the days when we don't feel like anything special is happening....or WE don't feel special....know that you are in a scene in a motion picture and, but you see only part of it....you have to be patient and hold on for the showstopper at the end!!!!
And, it will win Academy Awards!
Now, hopefully, my life will soon be to the point of me doing a little bit of crafting! I haven't got much done n the last bit! Fall is coming and then comes Christmas! I need to get moving, huh???
Have a Great day...Mundane and All....PRECIOUS MOMENTS!!!!