It has been a fabulous weekend with sunshine~~ and some rain, but then again God knows what we need of both! I decided early on this year with all of the rain that we were having to not complain as we have been in a huge drought for the last three years here.
Mollie and Seth were here, so we got up and made a good breakfast and then they had a meeting for some camps that they are working at this summer. We cleaned up the kitchen and Mike asked if I wanted to go to some out of the way Goodwill's and Thrift Shops that I don't usually get I said YES!!!! It was a great day and didn't find anything but got to spend time riding around looking at nature and spending time with hubby! We had thought we would make ribs on the grill that night, but we didn''t get home in time so I made Calzones....on the grill....they turned out GREAT! The kids loved them~! Then we watched Night in The Museum {the first one}. It was funny and now I am set to see the new one!
I wanted to tell you that I decided to make Blackberry Cobbler last night also! It was almost a landslide decision over pie! It was SO good...and we bought some frozen vanilla yogurt to go with it! It you haven't tried Food Lion's brand---go out and try it---it is very yummy!
Well, I hoped to have pics of the cobbler, but we ate it too fast! Sorry, maybe next time! I wanted to share it with you because we did it in a cast iron skillet on the grill! It was a beautiful piece of work... :D
Well, have a great Sunday! Take time to rest and celebrate our Lord and Savior ~Jesus!!!
Happy Valentines Day!
5 years ago